Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra - Awake Sleep
Throughout this Covid19 lockdown, I have become obsessed with Yoga Nidra.
I decided at the beginning of the lockdown, to continue with a Sunday evening practice, which would unit everybody, but not have to be a asana or an exercise. A practice where you can just be and not be judged, wether you have your big toe in the right angle, or anyone is watching you.
All you have to do is lie down and relax. Seems simple. I'm a type A person, and I do not keep still easily, even though I spend my life teaching others to do just that.
Taking time to slow down and be present, without guilt or judgement. Being guided around the body and allow the different waves of the brain relax and reset. Sounds crazy.
We are all currently running on a lot of adrenaline. We may be adjusting to our new norm, (Yeah- being stuck in lockdown with my nearest and dearest great fun.) however, there is fear underneath it all. You can feel it when you step out of your house bubble and encounter the world outside of your front door. "Is this what Armageddon is?" "Are we all going to die?" "Will I be able to really be grateful for the small things in life?" "Is this life teaching me a lesson in being present?" "I didn't achieve all the items on my bucket list?" "Are we stuck in a movie set?"
So I have been teaching Yoga Nidra each Sunday, first there was a great enthusiasm, and now 4 weeks in, people have already got bord, or something and now there is a handful, of us. But its still good. It feels, like real quality time to drop in and connect with home. Your own personal home, the essence of yourself. Where you are resourced.
I get it, not everyone wants that. They feel that a good nights sleep is enough time to reboot and recharge, and on some levels that is true. But to consciously, let go has been an awakening.
Here are a few testimonials: "This is my weekly treat after lockdown!", "I feel surprisingly rested, yet energised at the same time-how can that be?", "Its like being read a bedtime story, but the benefits go even deeper" "I can't even put into words how beneficial this has been for me. I was really sceptical at first, but now I am completely enjoy it".
This practice is an experiential practice, each person is going to find their own benefits. If you are interested please join us, Sunday 6-7.00pm. on a mat near you. Book now for your place.